My sump is pretty big so six months ago I cleared up an area, stuck a frag rack in there, a Hydra 26HD on an arm, upped the return pump flow a bit, added a few frags, and watched to see what would happen.
The lighting schedule is the opposite of the tank so an extra bonus is that I get to watch my sump after darkness hits the main tank and my pH (theoretically) should be more stable.
The flow isn’t great down there but so far there’s been BTA, different Montipora, Pavona, Kenya tree (that would grow on the moon though), and other frags that have been growing slowly but surely.
I have decided to expand that area as much as possible and see what frags grow and whether I can sell them to fund my reef tank habit.
My next plan is to smash up some reef rock (extra I have stored in the shed with no risk of palytoxins..) and create a rubble bed for BTA’s. It was a real bugger getting the BTA’s off of a large rock in the sump to donate to Sea Life. Rubble rock should be easier.
Not everything has to be a side hustle though. If fragging/selling/blogging starts to feel like work, I intend to bugger off and keep my tank all to myself.